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High-Impact Publications

  • Bellon M, Nicot C. Targeting Pim kinases in hematological cancers: molecular and clinical review. Mol Cancer. 2023;22(1):18. Epub 20230125. doi: 10.1186/s12943-023-01721-1. PubMed PMID: 36694243; PMCID: PMC9875428.

    Church MC, Price A, Li H, Workman JL. The Swi-Snf chromatin remodeling complex mediates gene repression through metabolic control. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023. Epub 20230831. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad711. PubMed PMID: 37650639.

    Diamond C, Al-Rohil RN, Cardones AR. A Case of Multiple Hemorrhagic Friable Nodules. JAMA Oncol. 2023;9(3):432-3. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.6837. PubMed PMID: 36602808.

    Freund N, Taylor AI, Arangundy-Franklin S, Subramanian N, Peak-Chew SY, Whitaker AM, Freudenthal BD, Abramov M, Herdewijn P, Holliger P. A two-residue nascent-strand steric gate controls synthesis of 2'-O-methyl- and 2'-O-(2-methoxyethyl)-RNA. Nat Chem. 2023;15(1):91-100. Epub 20221013. doi: 10.1038/s41557-022-01050-8. PubMed PMID: 36229679; PMCID: PMC7614059.

    Guarracino A, Buonaiuto S, de Lima LG, Potapova T, Rhie A, Koren S, Rubinstein B, Fischer C, Gerton JL, Phillippy AM, Colonna V, Garrison E. Recombination between heterologous human acrocentric chromosomes. Nature. 2023;617(7960):335-43. Epub 20230510. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05976-y. PubMed PMID: 37165241; PMCID: PMC10172130.

    Hansen DK, Sidana S, Peres LC, Colin Leitzinger C, Shune L, Shrewsbury A, Gonzalez R, Sborov DW, Wagner C, Dima D, Hashmi H, Kocoglu MH, Atrash S, Simmons G, Kalariya N, Ferreri C, Afrough A, Kansagra A, Voorhees P, Baz R, Khouri J, Alsina M, McGuirk J, Locke FL, Patel KK. Idecabtagene Vicleucel for Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma: Real-World Experience From the Myeloma CAR T Consortium. J Clin Oncol. 2023:Jco2201365. Epub 20230109. doi: 10.1200/jco.22.01365. PubMed PMID: 36623248.

    Harrison C, Yacoub A, Scott B, Mead A, Gerds AT, Kiladjian JJ, Mesa R, Egyed M, Scheid C, Gutierrez VG, O'Sullivan J, Buckley S, Kanellopoulos K, Mascarenhas J. Long-term treatment with pacritinib on a compassionate use basis in patients with advanced myelofibrosis. Haematologica. 2023. Epub 20230105. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2022.282089. PubMed PMID: 36601980.

    Hoitsma NM, Norris J, Khoang TH, Kaushik V, Chadda R, Antony E, Hedglin M, Freudenthal BD. Mechanistic insight into AP-endonuclease 1 cleavage of abasic sites at stalled replication fork mimics. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023. Epub 20230602. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad481. PubMed PMID: 37264933.

    Horton CA, Alexandari AM, Hayes MGB, Marklund E, Schaepe JM, Aditham AK, Shah N, Suzuki PH, Shrikumar A, Afek A, Greenleaf WJ, Gordân R, Zeitlinger J, Kundaje A, Fordyce PM. Short tandem repeats bind transcription factors to tune eukaryotic gene expression. Science. 2023;381(6664):eadd1250. Epub 20230922. doi: 10.1126/science.add1250. PubMed PMID: 37733848.

    Hutten SJ, de Bruijn R, Lutz C, Badoux M, Eijkman T, Chao X, Ciwinska M, Sheinman M, Messal H, Herencia-Ropero A, Kristel P, Mulder L, van der Waal R, Sanders J, Almekinders MM, Llop-Guevara A, Davies HR, van Haren MJ, Martin NI, Behbod F, Nik-Zainal S, Serra V, van Rheenen J, Lips EH, Wessels LFA, Wesseling J, Scheele C, Jonkers J. A living biobank of patient-derived ductal carcinoma in situ mouse-intraductal xenografts identifies risk factors for invasive progression. Cancer Cell. 2023. Epub 20230424. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2023.04.002. PubMed PMID: 37116492.

    Laetsch TW, Maude SL, Rives S, Hiramatsu H, Bittencourt H, Bader P, Baruchel A, Boyer M, De Moerloose B, Qayed M, Buechner J, Pulsipher MA, Myers GD, Stefanski HE, Martin PL, Nemecek E, Peters C, Yanik G, Khaw SL, Davis KL, Krueger J, Balduzzi A, Boissel N, Tiwari R, O'Donovan D, Grupp SA. Three-Year Update of Tisagenlecleucel in Pediatric and Young Adult Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in the ELIANA Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2023;41(9):1664-9. Epub 20221118. doi: 10.1200/jco.22.00642. PubMed PMID: 36399695; PMCID: PMC10022844.

    Leavens ELS, Mayo MS, Brown AR, Cox LS, Ellerbeck EF, Ahluwalia JS, Nollen NL. Early Treatment Response in Black Smokers Undergoing Pharmacotherapy for Smoking Cessation: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(9):e2334695. Epub 20230905. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.34695. PubMed PMID: 37728930.

    Li L, Jensen RA. Understanding and Overcoming Immunosuppression Shaped by Cancer Stem Cells. Cancer Res. 2023;83(13):2096-104. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.Can-23-0230. PubMed PMID: 37403628; PMCID: PMC10320482.

    Patel SP, Othus M, Chen Y, Wright GP, Jr., Yost KJ, Hyngstrom JR, Hu-Lieskovan S, Lao CD, Fecher LA, Truong TG, Eisenstein JL, Chandra S, Sosman JA, Kendra KL, Wu RC, Devoe CE, Deutsch GB, Hegde A, Khalil M, Mangla A, Reese AM, Ross MI, Poklepovic AS, Phan GQ, Onitilo AA, Yasar DG, Powers BC, Doolittle GC, In GK, Kokot N, Gibney GT, Atkins MB, Shaheen M, Warneke JA, Ikeguchi A, Najera JE, Chmielowski B, Crompton JG, Floyd JD, Hsueh E, Margolin KA, Chow WA, Grossmann KF, Dietrich E, Prieto VG, Lowe MC, Buchbinder EI, Kirkwood JM, Korde L, Moon J, Sharon E, Sondak VK, Ribas A. Neoadjuvant-Adjuvant or Adjuvant-Only Pembrolizumab in Advanced Melanoma. N Engl J Med. 2023;388(9):813-23. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2211437. PubMed PMID: 36856617.

    Plichta JK, Thomas SM, Hayes DF, Chavez-MacGregor M, Allison K, de Los Santos J, Fowler AM, Giuliano AE, Sharma P, Smith BD, van Eycken E, Edge SB, Hortobagyi GN. Novel Prognostic Staging System for Patients With De Novo Metastatic Breast Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2023:Jco2202222. Epub 20230321. doi: 10.1200/jco.22.02222. PubMed PMID: 36944149.

    Ramalingam V, Yu X, Slaughter BD, Unruh JR, Brennan KJ, Onyshchenko A, Lange JJ, Natarajan M, Buck M, Zeitlinger J. Lola-I is a promoter pioneer factor that establishes de novo Pol II pausing during development. Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):5862. Epub 20230921. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41408-1. PubMed PMID: 37735176; PMCID: PMC10514308.

    Rhie A, Nurk S, Cechova M, Hoyt SJ, Taylor DJ, Altemose N, Hook PW, Koren S, Rautiainen M, Alexandrov IA, Allen J, Asri M, Bzikadze AV, Chen NC, Chin CS, Diekhans M, Flicek P, Formenti G, Fungtammasan A, Garcia Giron C, Garrison E, Gershman A, Gerton JL, Grady PGS, Guarracino A, Haggerty L, Halabian R, Hansen NF, Harris R, Hartley GA, Harvey WT, Haukness M, Heinz J, Hourlier T, Hubley RM, Hunt SE, Hwang S, Jain M, Kesharwani RK, Lewis AP, Li H, Logsdon GA, Lucas JK, Makalowski W, Markovic C, Martin FJ, Mc Cartney AM, McCoy RC, McDaniel J, McNulty BM, Medvedev P, Mikheenko A, Munson KM, Murphy TD, Olsen HE, Olson ND, Paulin LF, Porubsky D, Potapova T, Ryabov F, Salzberg SL, Sauria MEG, Sedlazeck FJ, Shafin K, Shepelev VA, Shumate A, Storer JM, Surapaneni L, Taravella Oill AM, Thibaud-Nissen F, Timp W, Tomaszkiewicz M, Vollger MR, Walenz BP, Watwood AC, Weissensteiner MH, Wenger AM, Wilson MA, Zarate S, Zhu Y, Zook JM, Eichler EE, O'Neill RJ, Schatz MC, Miga KH, Makova KD, Phillippy AM. The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome. Nature. 2023. Epub 20230823. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06457-y. PubMed PMID: 37612512.

    Richter KP, Catley D, Gajewski BJ, Faseru B, Shireman TI, Zhang C, Scheuermann TS, Mussulman LM, Nazir N, Hutcheson T, Shergina E, Ellerbeck EF. The Effects of Opt-out vs Opt-in Tobacco Treatment on Engagement, Cessation, and Costs: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2023. Epub 20230227. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2022.7170. PubMed PMID: 36848129.

    Rodler E, Sharma P, Barlow WE, Gralow JR, Puhalla SL, Anders CK, Goldstein L, Tripathy D, Brown-Glaberman UA, Huynh TT, Szyarto CS, Godwin AK, Pathak HB, Swisher EM, Radke MR, Timms KM, Lew DL, Miao J, Pusztai L, Hayes DF, Hortobagyi GN. Cisplatin with veliparib or placebo in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer and BRCA mutation-associated breast cancer (S1416): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2023;24(2):162-74. Epub 20230106. doi: 10.1016/s1470-2045(22)00739-2. PubMed PMID: 36623515; PMCID: PMC9924094.

    Saeed A, Park R, Dai J, Al-Rajabi R, Kasi A, Baranda J, Williamson S, Saeed A, Ripp J, Collins Z, Mulvaney K, Shugrue M, Firth-Braun J, Godwin AK, Madan R, Phadnis M, Sun W. Cabozantinib plus durvalumab in advanced gastroesophageal cancer and other gastrointestinal malignancies: Phase Ib CAMILLA trial results. Cell Rep Med. 2023:100916. Epub 20230120. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2023.100916. PubMed PMID: 36702123.

    Shallis RM, Daver N, Altman JK, Komrokji RS, Pollyea DA, Badar T, Bewersdorf JP, Bhatt VR, de Botton S, de la Fuente Burguera A, Carraway HE, Desai P, Dillon R, Duployez N, El Chaer F, Fathi AT, Freeman SD, Gojo I, Grunwald MR, Jonas BA, Konopleva M, Lin TL, Mannis GN, Mascarenhas J, Michaelis LC, Mims AS, Montesinos P, Pozdnyakova O, Pratz KW, Schuh AC, Sekeres MA, Smith CC, Stahl M, Subklewe M, Uy GL, Voso MT, Walter RB, Wang ES, Zeidner JF, Žucenka A, Zeidan AM. Standardising acute myeloid leukaemia classification systems: a perspective from a panel of international experts. Lancet Haematol. 2023. Epub 20230809. doi: 10.1016/s2352-3026(23)00159-x. PubMed PMID: 37572683.

    Sharma P, Parasa S. ChatGPT and large language models in gastroenterology. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023. Epub 20230530. doi: 10.1038/s41575-023-00799-8. PubMed PMID: 37253794.

    Speers CW, Symmans WF, Barlow WE, Trevarton A, The S, Du L, Rae JM, Shak S, Baehner R, Sharma P, Pusztai L, Hortobagyi GN, Hayes DF, Albain KS, Godwin A, Thompson A. Evaluation of the Sensitivity to Endocrine Therapy Index and 21-Gene Breast Recurrence Score in the SWOG S8814 Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2023:Jco2201499. Epub 20230117. doi: 10.1200/jco.22.01499. PubMed PMID: 36649570.

    Versluis J, Saber W, Tsai HK, Gibson CJ, Dillon LW, Mishra A, McGuirk J, Maziarz RT, Westervelt P, Hegde P, Mukherjee D, Martens MJ, Logan B, Horowitz M, Hourigan CS, Nakamura R, Cutler C, Lindsley RC. Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Improves Outcome in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Across High-Risk Genetic Subgroups: Genetic Analysis of the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network 1102 Study. J Clin Oncol. 2023:Jco2300866. Epub 20230822. doi: 10.1200/jco.23.00866. PubMed PMID: 37607457.

    Westin JR, Oluwole OO, Kersten MJ, Miklos DB, Perales MA, Ghobadi A, Rapoport AP, Sureda A, Jacobson CA, Farooq U, van Meerten T, Ulrickson M, Elsawy M, Leslie LA, Chaganti S, Dickinson M, Dorritie K, Reagan PM, McGuirk J, Song KW, Riedell PA, Minnema MC, Yang Y, Vardhanabhuti S, Filosto S, Cheng P, Shahani SA, Schupp M, To C, Locke FL. Survival with Axicabtagene Ciloleucel in Large B-Cell Lymphoma. N Engl J Med. 2023. Epub 20230605. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2301665. PubMed PMID: 37272527.

    Wu Q, Bazzini AA. Translation and mRNA Stability Control. Annu Rev Biochem. 2023. Epub 20230331. doi: 10.1146/annurev-biochem-052621-091808. PubMed PMID: 37001134.

Grant Highlights

  • Design of a Novel Nanocarrier Technology to Drug-Load CAR T cells | $2,871,800
    Akhavan, David; Bossmann, Stefan
    Funding source: NCI

    Effect of Immune-Enhancing Nutrition on Radical Cystectomy Outcomes- MERIT extension | $1,228,722
    Hamilton-Reeves, Jill
    Funding source: NCI / U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 

    Implementing and Evaluating the Cancer Tracking System (CATSystem): A Systems Level Intervention to Improve Cervical Cancer Screening, Treatment Referral and Follow up in Kenya | $2,918,035
    Kessler, Sarah; Mabachi MR
    Funding source: NCI / U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 

    Ultrafast FLASH Radiation Therapy Dosimetry | $434,776
    Li, Harold; Royon C
    Funding source: NCI

    Regulatory Role of Mitochondrial DNA in Bladder Cancer Progression | $434,776
    Taylor, John A; Welch, Danny R 
    Funding source: NCI
  • Glycoscience Tools and Therapeutics | $1,912,500
    Farrell, Mark
    Funding source: NIGMS

    University of Kansas Cancer Center Midwest Pre-Clinical Imaging Center | $8,000,000
    Jensen, Roy A; Bossmann, Stefan
    Funding source: NIH OD

    Implementation Science and Equity | $11,623,735
    Richter, Kimber
    Funding source: NIGMS

    Specialized Tools and Auto-updatable Scalable Interactive Databases to Study isomiRs, tRFs and rRFs in Human and Mouse | $1,106,120
    Rigoutsos I (Thomas Jefferson U); Welch, Danny R
    Funding source: NHGRI; Thomas Jefferson University

    Islet Encapsulation to Elicit Localized Immunosuppression and Immune Modulation Following Transplantation | $2,947,940
    Tse, Hubert; Kharlampieva E
    Funding source: NIDDK

    Role of Alcohol Adapted Kupffer Cells in the Progression and Resolution of ALD | $3,003,050
    Weinman, Steven
    Funding source: NIAAA

    All of Us Research Program Heartland Consortium (AoURP-HC) Award 
    Funding Source: NIH

  • Neoplasia-Derived Extracellular Vesicle MicroRNAs Cause DNA Damage to Promote Carcinogenesis in Barrett's Esophagus: Novel Targets for Chemical Ablation | $477,152
    Bansal, Ajay
    Funding source: DOD

    Implementing Obesity Treatment in Primary Care Utilizing Evidence-Based Structures | $338,193
    Befort, Christie
    Funding source: PCORI University of Colorado Denver / Anschutz Medical Campus"

    Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) | $3,609,995
    Collie-Ackers, Vicki
    Funding source: CDC
  • Advancing New Treatment Options to Improve Outcomes of Children and Young Adults Diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma | $900,000
    Flatt, Terrie
    Funding source: Braden's Hope for Childhood Cancer 

    Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models for Pediatric Kmt2A-R Leukemia Development and Discovery of Targeted Therapies | $898,707
    Guest, Erin
    Funding source: Braden's Hope for Childhood Cancer

    Quantifying Optimal Relugolix Duration with Radiation in High-Risk Prostate Cancer | $602,716
    Shen, Xinglei
    Funding source: American Society for Radiation Oncology

Investigator-Initiated Trials

The University of Kansas Cancer Center Clinical Trials Finder app allows individuals to navigate active clinical trials and helps physicians/clinicians refer patients to an ongoing trial that might help with their treatment. Download the Clinical Trials Finder app for Android and Apple
  • Novel hypoxia imaging for Head and Neck Cancer: Imaging phenotype for personalized treatment / PI: Luke Ledbetter

    MyCare App: A preliminary evaluation of its use in youth with Hematology/Oncology Disorders / PI: Karen Lewing

    Using Microbiome to Predict Durvalumab Toxicity in Post-CCRT NSCLC Patients (MicroDurva) / PI: Jun Zhang

    Frailty in Children with Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Lymphoma / PI: Thomas Cochran

    Increased Sensitivity of Minimal Residual Disease Monitoring using Peripheral Blood in Pediatric Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia / PI: Keith August

    Surgery or Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Patient Survey / PI: Ronald Chen

    A Multi-Site Registry for Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer / PI: Eugene Lee

    A Prospective Registry of Patients at risk for Inherited and Sporadic Gastrointestinal Cancers for Understanding Disease Progression and Development of Novel Diagnostics and therapeutics / PI: Ajay Bansal

    Patient Survey Regarding Financial Toxicity of Breast Cancer Treatment with IORT versus EBRT / PI: Kelsey Larson

    Biospecimen evaluation for potential biomarkers critical signaling pathways and microbiome environment changes / PI: Mazin Al-Kasspooles

    Development of Liquid Biomarkers as Correlative to Clinical Outcomes in Prostate Cancer / PI: Xinglei Shen

    Tumor Bank / PI:  Erin Guest

    Head and Neck Oncology Research Registry / PI: Kevin Sykes

    Asparaginase Premedication Hypersensitivity and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Pediatric Patients With Acute Lymphophoblastic Leukemia or Lymphoma / PI: Keith August

    The Impact of Menthol Flavoring on Switching in Adult Menthol Smokers / PI: Nicole Nollen

    LaserEn: SOLTIVE™ Thulium Laser Fiber En Bloc Resection of Bladder Tumors / PI: Jeffrey Holzbeierlein

    CAFs (Combination of Atezolizumab and pirfenidone in Second-line and Beyond NSCLC): a Phase I/II study / PI: Chao Huang

    Rural Engagement in TelemedTeam for Options in Obesity Treatment Solutions (RE-TOOL) / PI: Christie Befort

    Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Suppression in Children with ALL after Induction / PI: Jennifer Boyd

    ENCERT: A Phase 1 Trial Using Everolimus in Combination with Nelarabine Cyclophosphamide and Etoposide in Relapsed T Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia/Lymphoma / PI: Kevin Ginn

    Phase II Clinical Trial of Green Tea Catechins in Men on Active Surveillance (AS) / PI: William Parker

    Pilot of Osanetant to Reduce Testosterone in Men with Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate (PORT-MAP) / PI: William Parker

    Pilot of Osanetant to Reduce Severity of Hot Flashes in Men with Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate (POSH-MAP) / PI: Elizabeth Wulff-Burchfield

    Phase I/II clinical trial of regorafenib plus durvalumab (MEDI4736) in patients with chemo refractory advanced biliary tract cancers / PI: Raed Al-Rajabi

    Biomarker Discovery in Patients Receiving Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapies / PI: Haitham Abdelhakim

    Phase I study of ex vivo expanded/activated gamma delta T-cell infusion following haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and post-transplant cyclophosphamide / PI: Joseph McGuirk

    Niraparib In Pancreatic Cancer After Previous Chemotherapy (NIRA-PANC): A Phase II Trial / PI: Anup Kasi

    Characteristics of Sleep in Breast Cancer Survivors with Lymphedema / PI: Catherine Siengsukon

    Breast Tissue Biomarkers Predicting Short Term Risk of Breast Cancer / PI: Carol Fabian

    Genetic Analysis of Cerebral Spinal Fluid and Blood for Markers of Tolerance in Cancer Pain / PI: Erin Youngs

    Pediatric Sarcoma Exosomes / PI: Glenson Samuel

    Impact of E-Cigarette Training on Puff Patterns Cigarette Smoking and Health Outcomes Among Smokers with COPD / PI: Eleanor Leavens

    vGRID SBRT: A Phase I Clinical Trial in Unresectable or Metastatic HCC / PI: David Akhavan

    Evaluation of the FLIR One Dynamic Thermal Imaging System in Autologous Breast Reconstruction / PI: Eric Lai

    Identifying Gaps in Patient Preparation and Education for Mohs Surgery / PI: Clint Humphrey

    Pre-Operative Nutritional Intervention in Head and Neck Cancer / PI: Andres Bur

    Splenic Function Post Childhood Cancer Therapy / PI: Joy Fulbright

    HoLEP prior to Radiation Therapy for Patients with LUTS/Retention and Concurrent Prostate Cancer / PI: Kerri Thurmon

    Selective Use of Observation After Lumpectomy and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Her-2 Positive Patients with Pathologic Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy / PI: Shane Stecklein

    Heated Intraperitoneal chemotherapy in primary ovarian cancer patients / PI: Andrea Jewell

    Pilot Study of Effects of Bazedoxifene plus Conjugated Estrogen on Imaging and Blood Biomarkers in Women with Menopausal Symptoms at Increased Risk for Breast Cancer / PI: Carol Fabian

    Emerging from the HazeTM Substudy: Feasibility pilot for use of MindCap a mobile application to assess cognitive function in cancer survivors / PI: Jamie Myers

    A Pilot Study of Targeted Daunorubicin Dosing to Overcome Chemotherapeutic Resistance in Children with Relapsed or Refractory Acute Leukemia / PI: Chandni Dargan

    Assessing the Utility of Ultrasound Compared to Cross-Sectional Imaging in the Follow-up of Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma / PI: Eugene Lee

    A Phase II Open-Label Study of Enfortumab Vedotin in Patients with Previously Treated Locally Advanced Recurrent or Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma (EPIC) / PI: Anup Kasi

    Comparative Abuse Liability of Cigarettes E-cigarettes and Heat-not-burn devices among African American and White Smokers / PI: Nicole Nollen

    Surgical Prophylaxis for Microvascular Reconstruction for Head and Neck Cancer: A Multicenter Case-Control Study / PI: Yelizaveta Shnayder

    Advancing Treatment for Pediatric Craniopharyngioma: Prospective Pilot Study Identifying Clinically Relevant Biological Targets for Medical Therapy / PI: Kevin Ginn

    A Multicenter Prospective Study Evaluating Outcomes of Endoscopic Eradication Therapy in Patients with Barrett's Esophagus Associated Neoplasia: The TREAT-BE (Treatment with Resection and Endoscopic Ablation Techniques for Barrett's Esophagus) Consortium / PI: Amit Rastogi

    Sleep Hygiene Education ReadiWatchTM Actigraphy and Telehealth Cognitive Behavioral Training for Insomnia Effect on Symptom Relief for Men with Prostate Cancer Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) (SHERE-Relief 2). / PI: Jamie Myers

    Neoadjuvant TIL- and Response-Adapted Chemoimmunotherapy for TNBC (NeoTRACT) / PI: Shane Stecklein

    Phase II Single Blind Randomized Trial Comparing Morbidity and Mortality of Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (CRS-HIPEC) using Mitomycin-C versus Melphalan for Colorectal Peritoneal Carcinomatosis – A KUCC – Funded Pilot Trial / PI: Mazin Al-Kasspooles

    VIVA: Volatile or IV Anesthesia for Cancer / PI: Luke Selby

    First-in-Human Phase I Trial to Investigate the Safety Tolerability Pharmacokinetics Biological and Clinical Activity of Metarrestin (ML-246) in Subjects with Metastatic Solid Tumors / PI: Joaquina Baranda

    Phase II Randomized Trial of Carboplatin + Pemetrexed + Bevacizumab with or Without Atezolizumab in Stage IV Non-Squamous NSCLC Patients Who Harbor a Sensitizing EGFR Mutation or Have Never Smoked / PI: Chao Huang

    Yttrium-90 Trans-Arterial Radioembolization dose delivery via Pressure-Enabled Drug Delivery Catheters with Smart Valve (TriNav) versus end-hole catheters in patients undergoing treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma / PI: Aaron Rohr

    Development of an Instrument to measure symptom self-management and communication behaviors in AYA with cancer / PI: Kristin Stegenga

    Bladder Cancer Longitudinal Biorepository for Development of Novel Therapeutics/Biomarkers / PI: John Taylor

    Using Ex Vivo Tumoroids to Predict Immunotherapy Response In neoplasm (TUMORIN) / PI: Jun Zhang

    Does breast and axillary surgery impact CTCs ctDNA or other circulating factors for patients with locally advanced breast cancer? / PI: Kelsey Larson

    Microbiome in immunotherapy naïve NSCLC patients receiving PD-1/L1 blockade (MIP_NSCLC) / PI: Jun Zhang

    Phase II Randomized Trial Combining TG01 Vaccine / QS-21 Stimulon™ With or Without Balstilimab as Maintenance Therapy Following Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Resected Pancreatic Cancer (TESLA) / PI: Anup Kasi

    Prospective evaluation of GErmline mutations Cancer outcome and Tissue biomarkers (P.R.O.G.E.C.T.): A registry for patients with triple negative breast cancer and germline mutations / PI: Priyanka Sharma

    Evaluating Patient and Clinician Preferences for Electronic Symptom Assessment in Kidney Cancer / PI: Emily Cramer

    Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Patients with Breast Cancer Receiving Regional Nodal Irradiation / PI: Shane Stecklein

    A Randomized PhaseII Trial of Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy with Metformin or Placebo for HER2 Positive Operable Breast Cancer (The HERMET Trial) / PI: Qamar Khan

    Nab-paclitaxel in Combination with Gemcitabine for Pediatric Relapsed and Refractory Solid Tumors / PI: Kevin Ginn

    A Randomized Phase II Trial of Hypo-fractionated Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Utilizing 2.5 Gy/Fraction VS. Standard-Fractionated IMRT Concurrent with Carboplatin/Paclitaxel and Followed by Consolidation Durvalumab for Subjects with Stage IIIA/B Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer / PI: Krishna Reddy

    A Phase Ib/IIa Trial of CEND?1 In Combination with Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX Based Therapies in Pancreatic Colon and Appendiceal Cancers (CENDIFOX) / PI: Anup Kasi

    Pre-Operative Immuno-Modulatory SBRT (POIMS Trial): A pilot trial in early-stage NSCLC / PI: Shalina Gupta-Burt

    Comparative analysis of upper and lower respiratory microbiomes in patients with lung cancer / PI: Maykol Postigo Jasahui

    Tranexamic Acid in Radical Resection and Endoprosthetic Reconstruction: A Randomized Controlled Trial / PI: Kyle Sweeney

    Shear Wave Elastography for the Assessment of Radiation-Induced Fibrosis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients / PI: Jill Jones

    Multimodal management for Perioperative Analgesia in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Free Flap Reconstructive Surgery: A Prospective Study / PI: Yelizaveta Shnayder

    Itraconazole Repurposing to Reduce Residual Cancer Risk in Patients with High-Risk Barrett’s Esophagus after Ablation / PI: Ajay Bansal

    Emerging from the Haze: Feasibility pilot comparing two telehealth virtual delivery formats of a multi dimensional psychoeducational cognitive rehabilitation intervention for cancer survivors reporting impaired cognitive function post-chemotherapy / PI: Jamie Myers

    Using Ultrasound Elastography to Predict Development of Hepatic Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome / PI: Sherwin Chan

    A Phase I Study to Evaluate the Safety of Umbilical Cord- Derived Ex-vivo Cultured and Expanded Wharton's Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of De Novo High Risk Acute or Steroid Refractory Acute Graft versus Host Disease / PI: Joseph McGuirk

    HBO Effects on Blood Count Recovery and Post-Transplant Outcomes Following High-Dose Therapy and Autologous HSPC Transplantation for Multiple Myeloma / PI: Leyla Shune

    A Randomized Phase II Clinical Trial of Dendritic Cell/AML Fusion Cell Vaccine Versus Observation in Patients Who Achieve a Chemotherapy-Induced Remission / PI: Haitham Abdelhakim

    Provider Assessment of Head and Neck Cancer Patients' Supportive Service Needs / PI: Kevin Sykes

    Prevalence of occult urologic malignancy in patients undergoing screening for lung cancer / PI: Eugene Lee

    Phase I Trial of Alpelisib Plus Sacituzumab Govitecan in Patients with Metastatic or Locally Recurrent HER2-Negative Breast Cancer / PI: Priyanka Sharma

    Longitudinal Geriatric Assessment to Optimize Outcomes of Older Patients with Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer after Radical Cystectomy: A Pilot Trial / PI: Elizabeth Wulff-Burchfield

    A Multi-Center Phase II Study of Ipatasertib in Combination with Docetaxel in Metastatic/Advanced NSCLC Patients Who Have Failed or Are Intolerant to 1st Line Immunotherapy / PI: Jun Zhang

    Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) and Long-term Breast Cancer Treatment Sequalae / PI: Jamie Myers

    Efficacy of Point of Service Testing in Metastatic Breast Cancer (E-POST MBC) / PI: Lauren Nye

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