Winter Weather in Kansas City and Kansas

The University of Kansas Cancer Center is open and providing care through winter weather conditions.

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Support Services

Practical Support

We’re here to help you coordinate details as you begin your treatment and throughout your journey. Several of our team members will help you address these practical issues.

Patient advocacy

Patient advocates are an essential part of your support services team. You may feel completely overwhelmed after learning of your diagnosis or at any point during your treatment and survivorship. Patient advocates are here to listen to your concerns and find answers to your questions. Their goal is to make your overall experience as easy and stress-free as possible.

Keeping up with all of your medications during treatment can be overwhelming. That's why you also have advocates in our pharmacy.

Pharmacy patient advocates answer questions and address concerns you may have about your medications, their side effects, refilling prescriptions and billing.

To speak with a patient advocate, please call 913-588-1227.

Nurse navigation

Nurse navigators who are trained in your particular type of cancer work with you and your family members during every step of the way. From the first phone call throughout survivorship, nurse navigators compassionately guide you through appointments, gather medical records and orders for tests and schedule treatments. They are available to answer questions and address your concerns through treatment and beyond.

To speak with a nurse navigator, call 913-588-3671.

Lodging and travel

Our travel packet provides information on lodging, dining and other amenities. Ask the concierge to send or email you a Patient Comfort and Travel Guide for information on nearby lodging, dining and other amenities. Our concierge is available weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 800-332-6048. In addition, our social workers and nurse navigators can assist you with transportation and may be able to provide a referral for lodging. Two options include Hope Lodge (816-218-7200) and Bear Paws Bed and Rest (913-515-0522).

Financial counseling

Our financial counselors are happy to work with you to review your insurance benefits and deductibles prior to your treatment. They help identify potential financial challenges related to your care and can assist with payment plans, coinsurance, copay and free medication. They are also available to you to help answer any billing questions you may have. Call 913-588-1227 to request financial counseling.


You can securely access parts of your medical record online to learn your latest test results, order prescription refills or communicate with your care team. Ask about signing up for MyChart at your next visit. For questions or assistance, call 913-588-4040.

Educational resources

Each cancer center care team provides educational resources on cancer types, treatments, clinical trials and other related issues. The Brandmeyer Patient Resource Center at our Westwood campus has oncology nurses who can help you find the resources you need. Call 913-588-0131. In addition, we offer a patient resource center for inpatients on Unit 42 at the main hospital.

Social work

The routine of life goes on, even after a cancer diagnosis. The demands of family and friends, stress from work and financial pressures only add to your concerns while you adjust to the significant changes in your life. Our social workers will meet with you privately to evaluate your needs and connect you with resources. They act as an advocate for you, providing information about lodging, transportation, home care services, financial concerns and medication assistance programs. They can also help you with applications for Social Security Disability and Medicaid and refer you to community resources that offer classes and programs.

Call 913-588-1227 to speak with a social worker.

Charting the course for cancer patients

The Walsh family launches a challenge to grow the nurse navigation program.

Request your appointment today.

To make an appointment at The University of Kansas Cancer Center, call 913-588-1227.

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