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Thank You, Dr. Richter!

Woman with short, grey hair smiling.

As Kimber Richter, PhD, MPH, professor of Population Health, retires, we celebrate her profound impact on public health through her dedication to evidence-based tobacco treatment, particularly among rural and underserved populations. Over her career, she has been instrumental in transforming tobacco cessation practices in various settings, from hospitals to community centers.

Dr. Richter and Edward Ellerbeck, PhD, MPH, professor of Population Health and Internal Medicine, co-founded UKanQuit, an innovative bedside tobacco cessation program at The University of Kansas Health System. Since its launch in 2006, UKanQuit has supported nearly 28,000 patients in their journey to quit tobacco, offering essential assistance to those struggling with tobacco-use disorders. Under her leadership, UKanQuit expanded to treat people diagnosed with cancer and became a model for integrating tobacco treatment into hospital care nationwide. Dr. Richter’s advocacy efforts also contributed to policy changes, including comprehensive cessation benefits for Kansas Medicaid recipients.

Her commitment to public health and research excellence leaves a lasting legacy that will continue to benefit countless individuals and communities.

Achievements & Recognition

Cancer center members were recognized for their excellence in cancer research, care and innovation.

Jeffrey M. Holzbeierlein, MD, vice president and physician in chief for The University of Kansas Cancer Center, was elected trustee of the American Board of Urology (ABU). His six-year term began March 2024. Dr. Holzbeierlein was nominated to the ABU by the American College of Surgeons.

Kim Templeton, MD, professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, has been selected as the recipient of the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Women in Medicine and Science Leadership Award winner for an established individual. Dr. Templeton was also elected treasurer of the Orthopaedic Medical Education Grants Association, as well as named an associate editor for Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.

Wen-Xing Ding, PhD, professor of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, was named one of the recipients of the Higuchi-KU Endowment Research Achievement Awards, the state higher education system’s most prestigious recognition for scholarly excellence. Dr. Ding received the Olin Petefish Award in Basic Sciences.

Prateek Sharma, MD, FASGE, professor of Internal Medicine and program director for Gastrointestinal training, was elected president of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy for 2024–2025. 

Diane Mahoney, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Kansas School of Nursing, was awarded the Beverly Gaines Tipton Endowed Professorship in Oncology Nursing.

Bala Subramaniam, PhD, professor of Chemical Engineering and director of the Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis, has been elected a 2023 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) fellow.

Mihaela Sardiu, PhD, associate professor of Biostatistics and Data Science, received the Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) Soaring Star Basic Scientist Award. 

Carolyn Bates, PhD, assistant professor of Pediatrics, received the WIMS Rising Star Clinician Award. These awards recognize exceptional women in the University of Kansas Medical Center community. 

John Thyfault, PhD, FACSM, FTOS, professor of Cell Biology and Physiology and Endocrinology, Diabetes and Clinical Pharmacology, received the Chancellors Club Research Award. Dr. Thyfault serves as the co-director of the Kansas Center for Metabolism and Obesity Research and the director of the University of Kansas Diabetes Institute.

Babalola Faseru, MBChB, MPH, CPH, professor of Population Health and Family Medicine and Community Health, received the 2024 International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Lectureship Award for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation. Dr. Faseru was also elected to the 2024 Class of Fellows of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.

Mentoring Awards

Each year, the executive dean presents mentoring awards to individuals who demonstrate an exceptional commitment to mentoring junior faculty, learners, residents and post-doctoral students. 

Sarah Kessler, PhD, MPH, professor of Family Medicine and Community Health, received the Excellence in Mentoring Award.

Sufi Thomas, PhD, associate professor of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, was the inaugural faculty mentor recipient of the Dr. Cora “Doc” Downs and Bette W. Hamilton Biological Science Research Award.

Reena Rao, PhD, MPhil, professor of Internal Medicine, division of Nephrology and Hypertension, received the Achievement Award for Mentoring Post-Docs. 

Director’s Awards

Civic Leadership and Philanthropy 
The Walsh Family Foundation

Clinical Trial Accrual 
Anup Kasi, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, Medical Oncology

Community Clinical Trial Accrual 
Carolyn Savioz, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology

Young Scientist 
Kristy Brown, PhD, Associate Professor, Cell Biology and Physiology; Co-leader, Cancer Prevention and Control research program

William Jewell Team Science 
Laboratory of Stefan Bossmann, PhD

Closing Disparities 
Simon Lee, PhD, MPH, Chair, Population Health; Interim Associate Director, Cancer Workforce Equity

Basic Science 
Christy Hagan, PhD, Associate Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Clinical Science 
Qamar Khan, MD, Professor, Medical Oncology

Outstanding Staff 
Marilyn Nielsen, Executive Assistant

Edward Ellerbeck, MD, MPH, CPH, Professor, Population Health and Internal Medicine

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